We worship freedom. We want as many choices as possible (just go to the supermarket if you don't believe me). Anything that threaten our freedom is resisted and attacked.
But there is no such thing as unlimited freedom. All our civic freedoms have responsibilities attached. We have free speech, but we cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater. Likewise, in our whole lives, freedom is constrained.
We are like kites. A kite is designed to soar high in the sky. But if you remove the string, it can not longer fly, but will flutter away, and eventually hit the ground. The sting seems to hold it back, but in fact is essential to the kites ability to fly.
Our bodies seem to hold us back. We can't fly, even like kites with out technological help. We can only be in one place at a time, and to be in a different location takes effort, and great effort if we want to travel around the world.
We can only know so much. Some can know quite a lot! But still a limited amount.
We are finite.
And we rebel at that finitude. We tell stories of a humanity that transcends limits (I just watched the first two seasons of Heros. It is a show about people that have extraordinary abilities - like flying, or invisibility.).
And of course we fight against death, the ultimate reminder of our limits.
But God made us as limited beings (though he never meant death to be one of those limits). We try to be free, but we cut the strings that allow us to fly. We need to embrace our limits as a good thing, and then enjoy the view as we soar in the sky of our God given freedom.
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