I said before that death is bad. It is.
A friend of mine is dying. He is roughly my age. His death will be tragic.
A five year old girl here in Minnesota died from complications of the flu. Her death was tragic.
My dad was 86 years old when he died last September. His death was tragic.
We have a visceral reaction when a young person dies. As a parent it does not bear contemplation to consider one's children dying. It is an unbearable pain to even think about, let alone experience.
When my dad died, many people said, when they learned he was 86 that "well he lived a long life." I thank them for their concern, but the assumption that because he was old, his death is not so bad, I reject.
Death is always tragic.
God did not intend for us to experience death. Death is the result of our sin. It is NEVER good.
And God is going to fix it all. In the Resurrection, death will be done with. Death will not get to keep any of it's prey. God's victory will NOT BE PARTIAL. It will be complete.
So I pray for William and his family. And I place all my hope in the Resurrection.
Bill Boyd, 1936–2025
After an unexpected illness after Christmas, Jon’s father passed away this
weekend. We grieve his loss, but celebrate his life and legacy with joy!
For tho...
1 month ago
Hey, Charlie. I noticed in one of your posts, you mentioned reading Philip Yancey. Have you read his new book on prayer? (can't think of the exact title right now.) Would like to see you post your thoughts on it, if you have. I'm confused by his discussion on when/why/how God answers.
take care.
Sorry, I have not seen it.
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