Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Today's Covenant blog post here

Nancy and I joined the Episcopal church in Colorado under a priest that would have appreciated this post. We had incense on high days (Easter, Christmas) and bells most days. I'm pretty sure he "faced East" when it was proper.

Our church here in Minnesota has been decidedly "lower."

Sometimes I miss the high church look, and other times I can't be bothered.

What I'd like is a church that had both high mass (preferably with contemporary music) sometimes, and other times traditional "hymn sings." Yes, I want it all!

Of course, what I want is at one level irrelevant. It is not about me. But I believe that worship should treat us as "whole" people. We are not just brains on sticks - we have emotions, too. We also belong to a Church that stretches across the centuries and around the globe, and should reflect the many cultures it encompasses.

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