I have to admit that I am a Creationist.
I believe that God created the world. After all, the Nicene Creed says "I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth." I am not a "young earth" creationist. I think Intelligent Design is not yet science (but good theology!). I believe that the Universe is around 16 billion years old.
To get caught up in the question of how God created is to miss the much more important questions of Who and Why. More on the why at another time (the whole point of this blog). The Who is God. But which God?
The Nicene Creed goes on to say about Jesus "Through him all things were made." The Father is creator, but so is the Son! (Col 1:15)
Then it is not surprising that the Spirit is involved in creation as well. The Spirit hovers over the face of the deep in Gen 1:2. The close association of the Spirit with the breath of God suggests the Spirit's involvement when God breaths into Adam.
So it is not just some philosophical "god" that creates, not a "First principle" or "Prime mover." But God, the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob. God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
If it is the Trinity that is creator, that has vast implications to the answer to the question of "Why?" And it makes a big difference as to God's continuing relationship to the Creation.
Bill Boyd, 1936–2025
After an unexpected illness after Christmas, Jon’s father passed away this
weekend. We grieve his loss, but celebrate his life and legacy with joy!
For tho...
1 month ago
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